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2nd Week of Advance English Engineering

2nd Week of Advance English Engineering

at second meeting in class english advance, azza and kukuh get homework
for tell the story again about lion movie was watched them,
If azza read English,
then Farrid means into English, so instead,
order to advance ahead in class randomized by teachers,
when one person from that group cannot interpret into English it will be
got a punishment, this is a draft of resume of lion movie

Simba is the son of Mufasa. Mufasa is the king of the jungle, and Simba will be king when Mufasa dies.
Mufasa has a brother name scraw, scraw want the position of king like Mufasa.
the next day his father simba invited to see the sunrise, and Mufasa tells Simba that all sunlight is his job.
Simba then asked what a dark place it is not our power,
Mufasa replied that it was beyond our power, then Simba meets with his uncle (scraw).
and inquired about the dark place, the answer is scraw elephant grave so simba keen to go there.
then simba, nala, and Zazu go where it's dark, they found the elephant graveyard,
but they also find a collection of hyenas who want to eat it, but not to eat Simba,
come and rescue Simba Mufasa.
previously when Simba goes to the graveyard it scraw follow, and when there he and hyenas plan to kill Mufasa.
scraw next day to invite the father simba reasons will give you a surprise, but scraw planning something that he and hyenas will chase a herd bull,
so he ran towards Simba, Simba's father came to the rescue, but he died, after it scraw comes as if not knowing anything,
and told simbe away and not come back, because Mufasa died for Simba.
after that run and when simba simba dying, he was rescued by Pumbaa (pig) and timon (weasel),
until they befriended adult simba, nala then come to seek help because their home ground broken under the leadership scraw,
eventually returned and attacked scraw simba simba know who killed him because his father was scraw.
scraw and a fight broke out between simba, simba ultimately won the king and Simba so he has a son.


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